

PROMISCUUS<br /> <br /> 'sound lines mixing with each other'<br /> <br /> -NOTES: <br /> ·Headphones recomended. Some extreme sounds (frequency and amplitude) can be generated. (click to start)<br /> ·powered by p5js and p5.sound.<br /> <br /> -Click-> start/pause.<br /> -'s'-> Save image of current canvas.<br /> -'r'-> Responsive mode ON/OFF.(default OFF)<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Features:<br /> ·"cols": Number of columns (4,8,12 or 16)<br /> ·"lines": Nmber of lines (4,8,12,16 or 20)<br /> ·"same_shadow": All lines has the same shadow value (boolean)<br /> ·"separation": separation between lines (none, all, random)<br /> ·"probEffect": Probability of delay effect 1/N (N=1,2,3,4 or 5)<br /> ·"freqRange": Frequency range (all, low or high)<br /> ·"darkMode": is darkmode (boolean)<br /> ·"same_step": same steep length for all lines (boolean)<br /> ·"lines_variety": variety of types of lines.(0.0-1.0)<br /> ·"fx_delay_ratio": Ratio of delay effects (0.0-1.0)<br /> ·"noise_ratio": Ratio of noise (0.0-1.0)<br /> ·"same_freq": same frequency for each type of lines or random frequency for each line (boolean)<br /> ·"wave_predefined": Wave shape is predefined for each type of lines or is randomly assigned (boolean)<br /> ·"changeOnlyRow": swap fragments of lines only between same number of columns (boolean),<br /> ·"has_color": 4 possible values: none (b&w), red, green or blue.(NOTE: Colored iterations can cause some nice glitches -> it is not an error)
Supply 1

Promiscuus [🎧] #41


Token Id 26321
Contract KT1EfsNuqwLAWDd3o4pvfUx1CAh5GMdTrRvr
Owner Elout de Kok
Editions 1
Mime Type application/x-directory
Minted 2023-04-22