Fractured Landscapes is a generative art project employing two animated lines to redraw natural scenes, revealing both the beauty and fragility of our planet.<br />
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*You can click to toggle the animation.<br />
**The animation is disabled on mobile and on Safari.<br />
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The combination of these animated lines adds a new dimension, creating depth and complexity in changing landscapes.<br />
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The animation serve as a visual commentary on environmental challenges, highlighting the fractures on our planet. The project is based on an infinite animation, providing an ever-evolving visual experience.<br />
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Designed for adaptability, it can be reproduced with a pen plotter for both digital and physical exploration.<br />
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Fractured Landscapes encourages reflection on the interconnectedness of nature and the impact of human activity, bridging the gap between digital and tangible art.<br />
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The generated landscapes are 100% code-based.<br />
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Interaction :<br />
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You can click to toggle the animation. (only on desktop and not on Safari)<br />
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In live mode :<br />
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- Press ’p’ to save a png, or ‘s’ to save an SVG.<br />
- Add an url parameter (size) to choose between physical sizes (cm) : 20x30, 30x40, a4 or a3.<br />
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At the end of the url you can add :<br />
<br />
- &size=20x30<br />
- &size=30x40<br />
- &size=a3<br />
- &size=a4